What Is A Woman?
Linda Linda

What Is A Woman?

The creation account of man and woman can be perceived as a myth . . . or, as poetry . . . or, as genuinely true, nevertheless, it’s understood that it takes two genders to reproduce . . . to procreate.

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If A Hat Could Speak
Linda Linda

If A Hat Could Speak

We often take a second look when we see a lady donning a flattering hat! Culturally speaking, a hat can be seen as a sign of respect and elegance as well as status and wealth. Examples: The Royal Women of Windsor, the fashionable Kentucky Derby, and let’s not forget Hollywood’s noted film, “My Fair Lady” starring Audrey Hepburn . . . or, back in the day, the flamboyant Hedda Hopper!

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Hovering 101
Linda Linda

Hovering 101

Most of us know, or are related to, someone whom we would define as a “helicopter mom”, or parent. The tendency to be one is there for all of us, but somehow we instinctively know when we’re not one, or no longer one. Actually, witnessing it is cringing because we question the future well-being of the child.

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It’s All About Him
Linda Linda

It’s All About Him

Just as I am, without one plea,

but that thy blood was shed for me,

and that thou bidst me come to thee,

O Lamb of God, I come, I come.

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What’s Your “Comfort Zone?”
Linda Linda

What’s Your “Comfort Zone?”

Breaking News – we’re living in wicked and vitriolic times – times where we must step out of our comfort zones. Specifically, comfort zones witnessed every day, i.e., keeping and maintaining company with those of like-ethnicity and/or like-faith. This ought not to be!

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What are Your Blind Spots?
Linda Linda

What are Your Blind Spots?

Daily, whether it’s with a group of people or on social networks, we see and hear things in others that are distasteful and/or inappropriate and we’re quick to make a mental judgment or an assessment. By the same token, we fail to see our blind spots, preventing self-awareness – our visual field is obstructed, making it invisible to us, but obvious to everyone else.

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Love and Betrayal . . .
Linda Linda

Love and Betrayal . . .

Betrayal originates from someone you know, someone you trust, someone you care for and/or love, and finally, someone with whom you have an investment of your time and of your life.

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For Such a Time as This . . .
Linda Linda

For Such a Time as This . . .

Wherever you are on your journey – married or unmarried, employed or unemployed, moved up or moved down or retired, God has placed you where you are for an exclusive purpose . . . “for such a time as this.”

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Forgive and Begin Again . . .
Linda Linda

Forgive and Begin Again . . .

Whatever the situation may be, we must keep the door of reconciliation open even up to the last second – that’s what God does for us!

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Linda Linda

Brittle or Resilient? Think About It!

On the face of it, brick walls in our life are there not to break us, but show how much we want to bounce back – to live – to get a life – to seize our destiny.

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Linda Linda

The Rhythm of a Paradigm Shift . . .

Are you currently in a relationship, or a business circumstance, career path, or a marriage where your expectations have not been met and your hopes of getting on the same page are fading fast? It’s natural to feel uneasy when underlying anxiety, or loss of control, sets in.

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