
We must not allow the voices of the world to set the agenda for this decade,
nor must we allow those voices to teach women how to be women.
Susan Hunt  . . . Titus 2

Linda Fritchlee

Author | Blogger | Mentor

What do you treasure?  Whom do you value? 

In today’s world, we are more globally connected than at any other time in history . . . our texts, emails, social media and the internet provide instant, as well as intimate accessibility to anyone anywhere and at anytime.   Thus, the cell phone has become our treasured and proper tool.  In order to be connected, it’s something that we cannot do without . . . sounds similar to the definition of an idol, doesn’t it?  It’s a no-brainer because we need it and we rely on it, don’t we?  Bobb Biehl, Executive Mentor said, “Dealing with any situation you face without the proper tool is like trying to drive a nail into a hardwood board with your fist.”   

We look around us and see the world has gone absolutely mad and if we’re not cautious or discerning, we can find ourselves caught up in its web or agenda.  Well then, whom do we rely upon?  It’s startling, because to stay sanely connected and be unmoved amid the maddening voices of the world, we need the voice of God to refocus and/or to reboot. 

As a Mentor, Linda addresses a myriad of subjects, a mixture of topics, and assorted issues and their relevancy.  Bobb Biehl went on to say, “Mentoring is the relational glue that can hold our generation to the last and to the next . . . the relational bridge connecting, strengthening, and stabilizing future generations of Christians.” 

In other words, Linda will talk about THIS . . . she’ll address THAT  . . . as well as a host of Things That Matter.