Sing As If No One Is Listening…

You cannot let this day pass without looking at The Fun Theory video.  It will change your perspective on how you are living your life.  There is a song…a passion…within each of us.  Discover yours and release it!

As I viewed this, I saw what you saw. There was a message to be seen and heard here.  When the masses discovered they could make a song, everyone demonstrated their own song in some sort of fashion…young and old…alone or with a group.  Some were enormously enamored trying to create their song…a joyful noise…while others blithely listened as they continued busily along their way up the staircase to their destination, not giving it much thought. 

However, it reminded me of what the American Author, Henry David Thoreau, said, “Most men lead lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with the song still in them”.  This awesome God Who created us is the One who placed a song within us…for a purpose…for His purpose. He made His creation to sing their own unique song, find their own personal purpose. He made us to sing…to enjoy Him…and to enjoy ourselves.  If we aren’t singing…if we haven’t yet tapped into our own uniqueness, we are quietly and desperately searching for our purpose…and, our song, as Thoreau said.  

 Alarmingly sad today, the “church” – the body of believers – has every appearance of being complacent, lethargic, restless, and without a song.  They have forgotten what it was like when they found their “First Love” – Jesus! – Revelation 2:4

 When, or if, we attend church, we want to be sure we are entertained for our “visit” with God.   This attitude represents a clueless people searching for answers when the answers are in His Word and in His Presence.

 The song is there, but perhaps, we’re so busy, so burned out, so stressed out bent on trying to grasp the brass ring of life’s carousel, hoping to win the prize that it promises and, in so doing, we put the enjoyment of living and enjoying life and the pleasure of God Himself “on hold”. 

 It reminds me of the telephones that have “hold” buttons waiting for a convenient time to engage in a two-way conversation with the One Who is calling with His amazing grace.  Imagine, God is calling you and you answer by saying, “Would you mind holding, please?”  The lure of this high-tech era with the addiction to electronics, providing instant and immediate access and solutions, is huge.  We forget that time has an expiration date, so we take the “escalator”, the moving staircase that quickly transports us to our destination; too busy…too rushed, doing it our way vs. His way. He desires for us to slow down, stop, discover and create the song He placed within us.   Psalm 90:12….”Lord, teach us to number our days so that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.”  God created singing…did you know “sing” occurs 119 times in 102 verses in the KJV Bible?

 This little “musical stairway” ditty shows us volumes about the human heart…our spirit within each of us hungers for joy vs. happiness…a song vs. a lament…peace vs. mental anguish. Joy, a song, and peace give us that rest spoken about in Hebrews, i.e., “we must labor to enter His rest” (an oxymoron). 

 As contradictory as it sounds, we have to intentionally focus our heart and soul to “enter in” to get the prize of His Presence and His Purpose and His rest. We have good intentions…but, more often than not, we’re not intentional. He wants us to have His JOY…as well as His peace…which He bequeathed to us now, not when we get to heaven. Do we really know what that means and have we truly experienced it?

 He wants us to enjoy our lives…every day. With all that’s on our plates, it’s a challenge. We run from one thing to another and don’t stop to think that we have a “dash” between the day we were born and the day we die. That “dash” is a significant symbol of our life lived here…one shot here on earth and then, as my pastor said, we face a “Job Interview”…one-on-one with our Savior.  The agenda will be comprised of “Did we do what we were called to do and did we do it for His glory and not our own”?  Perhaps it’s time for us each to re-evaluate, take some personal inventory and ask ourselves two relevant questions…

 1) “Why am I doing what I’m doing”?

 2) “Who am I doing it for”?  

 If we were told that we only had thirty days to live, do you think our priorities might change?

 Author, Sarah Young said that “the human mind is the pinnacle of His creation, but so few use it for its primary purpose – knowing Him”.  I agree with that statement, but I think it has a deeper core meaning.  What about the heart? “Keep it with all diligence, for out of it, flow the issues of life” – Proverbs 4:23.  We learn and analyze with our mind, but it’s in the heart that we knowit’s in the heart where we believe and form our values – Romans 10:10.  Do we know Him or just know about Him? This is critically important as it begs the question of where we’ll spend eternity. Most of us have all heard St. Augustine’s famous saying when he said, “You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it rests in you.”

God Bless you as your walk with Him continues to flourish and when you discover or revive your “song”…sing it with all of your heart especially if no one is listening and know that it has been my joy and privilege to sing with you.


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