Hijacking Your Faith

The Unveiled Bride’s “enemy is not so concerned about destroying her faith, but in hijacking [seizing control of] her faith.” Pastor Travis Hall

Referencing Numbers 13:31-33 . . . ”We seemed like grasshoppers in our own eyes, and we looked the same to them.” Ten out of twelve spies checked out the “milk and honey land” and saw through a lens of negativity, failure, and worry. Their perception was poisoned by fear . . . fear controlled them and prevented them from entering the Promised Land.

The “grasshopper” mentality simply says that my view of myself can be projected onto others and they see me as “I” see me … which stems from a core fear that is manifested through dictating control of people, environment, and how everything is done around them. In order to feel safe, they need to gain compliance or control over others, thus the phrase “control freak” was first used in the 1970’s, per Wikipedia.

According to Wikipedia, symptoms are: terrified of failure, strive for perfectionism, embrace a sense of superiority, and exhibit no need to spend time with or show respect for others.”

Beloved . . . this ought not to be! According to God . . . ”He has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, of love, and a sound mind.” – II Timothy 1:17.

Fear is a deadly spirit that can become a stronghold that prevents The Unveiled Bride from freely living her life!

Pastor Travis Hall also says, “WORSHIP pulls down this stronghold…WORSHIP frees us from FEAR…it’s God’s Primary Love Language.”

Let Go…Breathe…Let God…Live… and, Be Healed!


A Lie Is Not Is Not Always Obvious